Jeff's Blog

Monday, May 29, 2006

Sacramento Jazz Jubilee

I just got back from the 2006 Sacramento Jazz Jubilee.

It was a great time.

I met my father out there, he lives in Colorado, and we see each other for a couple weekends, and a week each year.

It was a good excuse to hang out all day, and drink beer. The weather was great, highs in the mid 70's.

My fraternity brother Julian was really great. He picked me up at the airport, and took me out to dinner with his family. He was really cool.

The Jazz Jubilee is primarily an occasion where 80 something’s get together for hip conversation. That would conversations about their hip replacements.

The music was good. There were some poor ones, but Zydeco Flames was a pretty exciting Zydeco band, and the Climax Band had a Cornet (Trumpet) player that was probably the best I have ever seen, and I played trumpet, and always pay attention.

The website is, and I stayed at the Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza Hotel. I recommend it for a good OLD time..

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New Dog

This is Mini, she walked into our yard 2 weeks ago, we gave her to animal control, waited a week, and adopted her. She is probably a Vizsla mix. She has lots of energy, and is holding her own against Magnus.