From the same party as above, Sex Wax. Here my buddy Larry is picking me up. Yes he is half my size. I destroyed a pair of jeans to make me look ship wrecked for a beach party, get it? Me neither.

The next couple are a formal in spring '97. This is a picture of me, Craig who was later my best man, I was a groomsman at his wedding and we stay very close to this day, Marty, and Jake.

This is a pic of all of the guys at the formal. I am making some kind of face. Again I could talk for days about this picture, but I won't

Here we are doing a Catalog style picture. Pete is doing the thinker, I am casually checking the time,and Aaron is doing the come hither, chinny chin chin pose. Man we were hot.....

These next two are from fall '98 this was my last one while in the house. This is a pic of all the guys.
Being one of the oldest guys in the house at this point, I really knew each of the guys, and I am proud to call them all my brothers.

Here is a shot of My Wife, me, my roomate, and his girlfriend (wife now I think).
What a great time college was. I guess I should end with this one????
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